The Cumulo API
- server: required(string)
The hostname of the server serving the API
- path: (string)
The optional API path prefix
Cumulo is a hosted key service.
This API documentation describes how to use Cumulo's REST API.
The Cumulo API is a networked REST-like service accessed using the HTTP protocol. All requests must be authenticated.
The API is secured using authenticated requests. Requests are authenticated using a JWS bearer access token in the Authorization header of the request.
This access token must be obtained using the OAUTH2 protocol.
When errors occur the format of the API response body is loosely based on RFC 7807 and contains the following fields:
- status: The HTTP status code
- type: The type of error that occurred
The table below lists the error types together with a description of each type.
Type | Status | Description |
authentication-required | 401 | The API requests failed the authentication check |
invalid-signing-algorithm | 400 | The specified signing algorithm is invalid, unknown or, unsupported for the key type |
invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm | 400 | The hash/data to be signed is of the invalid length for the selected signature algorithm. Ensure the correct hashing algorithm is used. |
item-not-found | 404 | The requested API resource does not exist |
invalid-2fa-data | 400 | The 2FA data supplied is invalid |
sad-request/missing-num_signatures | 400 | The number of signatures was not specified in the SAD request |
sad-request/missing-otp | 400 | The SAD request does not have an OTP |
sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed | 400 | The requested number of signatures exceeds the maximum allowed for a SAD authorization |
sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero | 400 | The requested number of signatures is less than zero. It must be a positive integer |
sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer | 400 | The requested number of signatures is not an integer |
sad-request/invalid-sad | 400 | The supplied SAD is no longer valid or never existed |
sad-request/sad-expired | 400 | The supplied SAD has expired |
sad-request/sad-chain-expired | 400 | It is no longer possible to request a new SAD using an existing valid SAD. A new SAD must be obtained using an OTP |
signing/otp-and-sad-both-present | 400 | Both the SAD and OTP were provided in the signing request. Only one is allowed |
signing/sad-invalid-sad | 400 | An invalid or non-existent SAD was supplied |
signing/sad-expired | 400 | The supplied SAD has expired |
signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded | 400 | The number of signatures completed using this SAD has reached the limit for this SAD |
service-internal-problem | 500 | An internal service error occurred. The request can be retried later |
Authorize future signing operations. The returned token must be supplied in the signature request.
post /keys/{key_id}/authorize
Authorize future signing operations. The returned token must be supplied in the signature request.
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
URI Parameters
- key_id: required(string)
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Possible types:
- otp: required(string)
A Time based One Time PIN (TOTP) generated by a compatible app such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, et ce tera.
- num_signatures: required(integer - minimum: 0)
The number of signatures to authorise
- otp: required(string)
- sad: required(string)
An existing unexpired SAD obtained from a previous SAD request. We call a sequence SADs obtained in this manner a chain. Note that there is a limit to how many times you may use this option, after which the chain expires and an OTP must be submitted for a new SAD.
- num_signatures: required(integer - minimum: 0)
The number of signatures to authorise
- sad: required(string)
OTP Example:
"otp": "135831",
"num_signatures": 10
SAD Example:
"sad": "A-Lv9P1j6nFz8zVIN2TIZzGIGPheZv9M4kByZZmphwQ",
"num_signatures": 10
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- sad: required(string)
The signing activation data (SAD) to use in subsequent signature request API calls.
- ttl: required(integer)
The validity period in seconds of the SAD.
- chain_ttl: required(integer)
The validity period in seconds of the SAD chain. A SAD chain is a sequence of SADs obtained by exchanging a valid unexpired SAD for a new one. This field in how many more seconds you can requests new SADs using an existing SAD before the chain expires and you have to use an OTP.
"sad": "W-nMIQpbYfTRXam5Y2rESTq8yBsZtnybUg81nY5xWsI",
"ttl": 900,
"chain_ttl": 43200
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions
Perform a signing operation
post /keys/{key_id}/sign
Perform a signing operation
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
URI Parameters
- key_id: required(string)
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Possible types:
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
The signing algorithm to use to sign the data. The value depends on the type of key used for signing.
- tbs: required(string)
The data to be signed (tbs). This should be the appropriate hash (e.g. SHA256 for RS256 algorithm) of the original document/data that is being signed. The hash should be Base64 URL encoded. If the length of the Base64 decoded hash is invalid for the specified signing algorithm, an error will be returned.
- otp: required(string)
A Time based One Time Pin (TOTP) generated by a compatible app such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, et ce tera.
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
The signing algorithm to use to sign the data. The value depends on the type of key used for signing.
- tbs: required(string)
The data to be signed (tbs). This should be the appropriate hash (e.g. SHA256 for RS256 algorithm) of the original document/data that is being signed. The hash should be Base64 URL encoded. If the length of the Base64 decoded hash is invalid for the specified signing algorithm, an error will be returned.
- sad: required(string)
The signing activation data (SAD) token obtained in an earlier authorise request. Note that this token must be unexpired and must not have exhausted its signature count allocation.
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
SAD Example:
"sad": "W-nMIQpbYfTRXam5Y2rESTq8yBsZtnybUg81nY5xWsI",
"signing_algorithm": "RS256",
"tbs": "mPm8pUOzr7H6XWiUQdfpIBUwljAvdupVvrBRFDZaKwc="
OTP Example:
"otp": "166663",
"signing_algorithm": "RS256",
"tbs": "mPm8pUOzr7H6XWiUQdfpIBUwljAvdupVvrBRFDZaKwc="
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- signature: required(string)
The Base64URL encoded signature
"signature": "CSB9PCQak7xjcXpCQ3lLb3tHzwPC5qWcMd63fcRvVtw2ktQfTPyZ9iL4bYmjRcRvAPmN4jVO8VHAtS3H-TGZmPTzO0MHo3m82xpjTlWPcEe-blS-lBcakodic6wMhlm1b4tzjX5sJ94Hh_Zsv_i9Nu13f2WdnewKWEEbvX2vUv5Vft8CSMLEGIyQB7u02oXY2-ntjitR9bTzqR1aiz1Xpry4rgE1uNiVmAtPPtPCAaGJl4fjRFLx_QtrCQN0DqQRe_R_xsawzwsKpBbSi8J50znf_jLW9cZmieVo19xiIA2AqcEJY0Ed1zUoyb9mmpdn7Lqz6FBUr4uUqsrnr2TPSA"
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions
Get a list of certificates
get /certificates
Get a list of certificates
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: array of object
Items: Certificate
- id: required(string)
- created_at: required(datetime)
The date and time at which the certificate was registered.
- not_before: required(datetime)
The date and time from when the certificate is considered valid.
- not_after: required(datetime)
The date and time until when the certificate is valid. After this moment the certificate is considered expired.
- subject: required(string)
The subject distinguished name (DN) of the certificate.
- issuer: required(string)
The issuer (CA) distinguished name of the certificate.
- serial_number: required(string)
The serial number of the certificate
- signing_algorithms: required(array of any)
The signing algorithms that can be used with the certificate
"id": "5b532b6a-9d3d-4638-b904-2663cde0adf1",
"name": "",
"created_at": "2022-03-09T14:40:54+02:00",
"not_before": "2022-03-09T14:40:51+02:00",
"not_after": "2023-03-09T14:40:51+02:00",
"subject": "",
"issuer": "cn=TrustFactory Test Client Issuing Certificate Authority,ou=TrustFactory PKI Operations,o=TrustFactory(Pty)Ltd,l=Johannesburg,st=Gauteng,c=ZA",
"serial_number": "CE25B54E85FA201D60B1",
"key": "ff3fb447-7002-40a2-9c67-88a47bc4c392",
"signing_algorithms": [
"id": "9eb2c8ce-f5cd-461b-8153-1fe8dba6512e",
"name": "cn=Vixis Gashtor,c=ZA",
"created_at": "2022-06-03T12:40:33+02:00",
"not_before": "2022-06-03T12:40:29+02:00",
"not_after": "2023-06-03T12:40:29+02:00",
"subject": "cn=Vixis Gashtor,c=ZA",
"issuer": "cn=TrustFactory Test Client Issuing Certificate Authority,ou=TrustFactory PKI Operations,o=TrustFactory(Pty)Ltd,l=Johannesburg,st=Gauteng,c=ZA",
"serial_number": "910BC50FBF0DE1714B08",
"key": "d082752d-d8c1-418a-9525-49f4e95f5427",
"signing_algorithms": [
"id": "9883eb58-2a81-40ec-bdcd-342e7ee21fd1",
"name": "cn=Vixis Gashtor,c=ZA",
"created_at": "2022-08-16T20:09:57+02:00",
"not_before": "2022-08-16T20:09:52+02:00",
"not_after": "2023-08-16T20:09:52+02:00",
"subject": "cn=Vixis Gashtor,c=ZA",
"issuer": "cn=TrustFactory Test Client Issuing Certificate Authority,ou=TrustFactory PKI Operations,o=TrustFactory(Pty)Ltd,l=Johannesburg,st=Gauteng,c=ZA",
"serial_number": "ADFCE2E30D4E31F30464",
"key": "11ce1f74-3cc0-450f-bc37-8a10459712f7",
"signing_algorithms": [
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions
Get a single certificate
get /certificates/{certificate_id}
Get a single certificate
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
URI Parameters
- certificate_id: required(string)
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- id: required(string)
- created_at: required(datetime)
The date and time at which the certificate was registered.
- not_before: required(datetime)
The date and time from when the certificate is considered valid.
- not_after: required(datetime)
The date and time until when the certificate is valid. After this moment the certificate is considered expired.
- subject: required(string)
The subject distinguished name (DN) of the certificate.
- issuer: required(string)
The issuer (CA) distinguished name of the certificate.
- serial_number: required(string)
The serial number of the certificate
- signing_algorithms: required(array of any)
The signing algorithms that can be used with the certificate
"id": "9eb2c8ce-f5cd-461b-8153-1fe8dba6512e",
"name": "cn=Vixis Gashtor,c=ZA",
"created_at": "2022-06-03T12:40:33+02:00",
"not_before": "2022-06-03T12:40:29+02:00",
"not_after": "2023-06-03T12:40:29+02:00",
"subject": "cn=Vixis Gashtor,c=ZA",
"issuer": "cn=TrustFactory Test Client Issuing Certificate Authority,ou=TrustFactory PKI Operations,o=TrustFactory(Pty)Ltd,l=Johannesburg,st=Gauteng,c=ZA",
"serial_number": "910BC50FBF0DE1714B08",
"key": "d082752d-d8c1-418a-9525-49f4e95f5427",
"signing_algorithms": [
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions
Get the certificate in PEM encoding
get /certificates/{certificate_id}/pem
Get the certificate in PEM encoding
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
URI Parameters
- certificate_id: required(string)
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: text/html
Type: string
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions
Get the certificate signing chain in PEM encoding. This will omit the root CA certificate.
get /certificates/{certificate_id}/chain
Get the certificate signing chain in PEM encoding. This will omit the root CA certificate.
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
URI Parameters
- certificate_id: required(string)
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Query Parameters
- return: (string)
The type of certifificate to include in the chain. Valid values are 'leaf', 'intermediate', 'root' and 'all'. You may specify more than one type of certificate to include in the chain. If you specify multiple types then the values must be delimited using the pipe character ('|'). If you do not specify this parameter then only the intermediate CA certificates will be returned.
Typical examples are:
all: To return all certificates in the chain including end entity and root certificates
leaf|intermediate: To return the end entity certificate and the intermediate CA certificates
intermediate|root: To return the intermediate and root CA certificates
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: text/html
Type: string
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions
Authorize future signing operations. The returned token must be supplied in the signature request.
post /certificates/{certificate_id}/authorize
Authorize future signing operations. The returned token must be supplied in the signature request.
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
URI Parameters
- certificate_id: required(string)
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Possible types:
- otp: required(string)
A Time based One Time PIN (TOTP) generated by a compatible app such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, et ce tera.
- num_signatures: required(integer - minimum: 0)
The number of signatures to authorise
- otp: required(string)
- sad: required(string)
An existing unexpired SAD obtained from a previous SAD request. We call a sequence SADs obtained in this manner a chain. Note that there is a limit to how many times you may use this option, after which the chain expires and an OTP must be submitted for a new SAD.
- num_signatures: required(integer - minimum: 0)
The number of signatures to authorise
- sad: required(string)
OTP Example:
"otp": "135831",
"num_signatures": 10
SAD Example:
"sad": "A-Lv9P1j6nFz8zVIN2TIZzGIGPheZv9M4kByZZmphwQ",
"num_signatures": 10
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- sad: required(string)
The signing activation data (SAD) to use in subsequent signature request API calls.
- ttl: required(integer)
The validity period in seconds of the SAD.
- chain_ttl: required(integer)
The validity period in seconds of the SAD chain. A SAD chain is a sequence of SADs obtained by exchanging a valid unexpired SAD for a new one. This field in how many more seconds you can requests new SADs using an existing SAD before the chain expires and you have to use an OTP.
"sad": "W-nMIQpbYfTRXam5Y2rESTq8yBsZtnybUg81nY5xWsI",
"ttl": 900,
"chain_ttl": 43200
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions
Perform a signing operation
post /certificates/{certificate_id}/sign
Perform a signing operation
The Cumulo API supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating API requests
URI Parameters
- certificate_id: required(string)
- Accept: required(application/json - default: application/json)
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Possible types:
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
The signing algorithm to use to sign the data. The value depends on the type of key used for signing.
- tbs: required(string)
The data to be signed (tbs). This should be the appropriate hash (e.g. SHA256 for RS256 algorithm) of the original document/data that is being signed. The hash should be Base64 URL encoded. If the length of the Base64 decoded hash is invalid for the specified signing algorithm, an error will be returned.
- otp: required(string)
A Time based One Time Pin (TOTP) generated by a compatible app such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, et ce tera.
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
The signing algorithm to use to sign the data. The value depends on the type of key used for signing.
- tbs: required(string)
The data to be signed (tbs). This should be the appropriate hash (e.g. SHA256 for RS256 algorithm) of the original document/data that is being signed. The hash should be Base64 URL encoded. If the length of the Base64 decoded hash is invalid for the specified signing algorithm, an error will be returned.
- sad: required(string)
The signing activation data (SAD) token obtained in an earlier authorise request. Note that this token must be unexpired and must not have exhausted its signature count allocation.
- signing_algorithm: required(one of RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512)
SAD Example:
"sad": "W-nMIQpbYfTRXam5Y2rESTq8yBsZtnybUg81nY5xWsI",
"signing_algorithm": "RS256",
"tbs": "mPm8pUOzr7H6XWiUQdfpIBUwljAvdupVvrBRFDZaKwc="
OTP Example:
"otp": "166663",
"signing_algorithm": "RS256",
"tbs": "mPm8pUOzr7H6XWiUQdfpIBUwljAvdupVvrBRFDZaKwc="
HTTP status code 200
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- signature: required(string)
The Base64URL encoded signature
"signature": "CSB9PCQak7xjcXpCQ3lLb3tHzwPC5qWcMd63fcRvVtw2ktQfTPyZ9iL4bYmjRcRvAPmN4jVO8VHAtS3H-TGZmPTzO0MHo3m82xpjTlWPcEe-blS-lBcakodic6wMhlm1b4tzjX5sJ94Hh_Zsv_i9Nu13f2WdnewKWEEbvX2vUv5Vft8CSMLEGIyQB7u02oXY2-ntjitR9bTzqR1aiz1Xpry4rgE1uNiVmAtPPtPCAaGJl4fjRFLx_QtrCQN0DqQRe_R_xsawzwsKpBbSi8J50znf_jLW9cZmieVo19xiIA2AqcEJY0Ed1zUoyb9mmpdn7Lqz6FBUr4uUqsrnr2TPSA"
HTTP status code 400
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(one of authentication-required, invalid-2fa-data, 2fa-totp-reuse, invalid-signing-algorithm, invalid-tbs-length-for-signing-algorithm, item-not-found, sad-request/missing-num_signatures, sad-request/missing-otp, sad-request/num_signatures-exceeds-maximum-allowed, sad-request/num_signatures-less-than-zero, sad-request/num_signatures-not-integer, sad-request/otp-and-sad-both-present, sad-request/invalid-sad, sad-request/sad-expired, signing/otp-and-sad-both-present, signing/sad-invalid-sad, signing/sad-expired, signing/sad-authorized-signature-count-exceeded, service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 401
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(authentication-required)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 403
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(access-denied)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 404
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(item-not-found)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 500
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- status: required(integer)
The HTTP status code. This should match the value of the code in the HTTP Status header.
- type: required(service-internal-problem)
The type of error that occurred
HTTP status code 503
- Content-Type: required(application/json - default: application/json)
Secured by oauth2_0
- Authorization: required(string)
Use to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. The token must be prefixed with 'Bearer '.
Bearer oitr7g4fp1-kjt294j
HTTP status code 401
Bad or expired token. This can happen if the API consumer uses a revoked or expired access token. You should re-authenticate the user if you get this response.
HTTP status code 403
Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...) or tried to access resources for which the supplied access token has no permissions